Get Involved
16th Annual 5K Walk for Mental Wellness
Join us for the 16th Annual 5K Walk for Mental Wellness! This family-friendly event supports the MWCAC and will have live music, exhibits and refreshments. Register to walk, make a difference and enjoy a fun day with us!
10AM - Saturday, May 17, 2025 - Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park, Pavilion #2
$15 - Individual
$12 - Student
$30 - Family (up to 6 people)
$125 - Group (up to 25 people)
Diamond Level, $2500: Platinum +; 25 free walk registrations
Platinum Level, $1000: Gold +; boosted social media post; 15 free walk registrations
Gold Level, $500: Silver +; company logo on walk t-shirts; 10 free walk registrations
Silver Level, $250: Bronze +; name and logo listed on MWCAC’s website and social media; 5 free walk registrations
Bronze Level, $100: Exhibit space, name recognition on the main walk banner
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
— Mahatma Gandhi