Cynthia’s Story

Cynthia Blesi is the Treasurer of the Mental Wellness Campaign of Anoka County

What personal life events inspired you to join MWCAC?
I’ve lived with a mental illness most of my life. I was sent to the state hospital in 1998, after a heavy time of personal events. There, the psychiatrist said to me, “Somewhere deep down inside, you know how sick you are.” They were right. Being a disabled vet is a challenge. There are a thousand things going on in my head. I look okay, but I’m not. I was grateful that the State hospital let me get better… It gave me a chance to work on me. I learned to live and not just exist. That was a big difference. It was a really beautiful thing. 

How has MWCAC had a personal impact on you?

I joined the Board in 2007. Due to my mental illness, I am unable to work. The nice thing about the Mental Wellness Campaign is that I’m able to help other people and it’s an honor. That is who I am and I know my calling. I’m passionate about people with mental illness and I don’t want anyone to feel like they don’t matter. Everyone and all mental health matters. I love that the MWCAC allows a way for me to give back to my community.

How has stigma surrounding mental illness had an impact on you/someone you love?

Sometimes I get looked at as if I’m not “okay enough” to be a member of society… and that’s hurtful. My goal in being on the Mental Wellness Campaign is to get out there and spread the good news that there is recovery for mental illness.

What dreams do you have for future generations surrounding mental health services and stigma in Anoka County? How do you see MWCAC assisting in that process?

I hope that this campaign communicates to the community that you don't have to be ashamed of being mentally ill. Mental illness is not a character flaw! My life has not been easy but I've worked very hard to develop a sense of self -worth. Borderline Personality Disorder is environmental. Now I have a great support system, which I believe is the key to wellness for me. I’m grateful for the life I have now. I’m a lot happier than I was before, and I love that this is a way to give back to our community.


Jeff’s Story